I’m making a several presentations over the next week, and delivering variations of what you see embedded below. I prefer to not distribute the slides in advance as handouts, so that people aren’t distracted and reading ahead, and so we can all literally be on the same page as we have a conversation.
I also don’t want to have people thinking they need to feverishly take notes, so it’s helpful to be able to tell people just to sit back, relax and discuss, knowing that they can go back and refer to the slides online later.
My presentations vary somewhat by audience, depending on whether I need to introduce the social media tools (and how much time I have been allotted), so what you see below is the “full meal deal.”
Here are links to some of the Mayo Clinic social media sites I will be mentioning. I invite you to check them out:
- Sharing Mayo Clinic
- Mayo Clinic News Blog
- Mayo Clinic Podcast Blog
- Mayo Clinic on Twitter
- Mayo Clinic Facebook page
- Mayo Clinic YouTube Channel
- Mayo Clinic Medical Edge Weekend radio
I welcome any questions or comments from any of the presentations here, or feel free to tweet them to me (@LeeAase). The great thing about having that conversation in public is that it’s not just one-on-one; on a blog (or on the really small blog called Twitter) others can learn from the discussion, too. But even more importantly, they can contribute their thoughts…so we’re all richer for having brought in diverse experiences and perspectives.
This also is helpful so I can take a snapshot of where we are in our implementation of social media at Mayo Clinic as of September, 2009.
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